Friday, August 28, 2009

A clear idea on 2012 ascension and harvest

I was wondering whether 4D is a little bit like the astral realm, with plastic perception and flexibility of time and space, and rapid manifestation.

If this is true, and if Earth becomes (either abruptly or gradually) a 4D planet after 2012, then something radical must occur in order to create those foundations.

You would see more people awakening (as it is indeed happening), and society crashing (as it seems to be happening). A radical increase in energy must occur to change effectively our society and the distribution of its people towards STO and astral energies!!

If so, it is predictable (and this is only with a gradualist transition time), that our social world will become very different by 2030, since more people will be rapid manifesting, and promoting new groupwork ideals. Our civilization will die and reborn. We will metaphorically die and reborn. Our leaders will be removed or changing, since they would not corresponded to an increased state of energy. Isn't this true? Then, our economy will not last long, our military will not last long, our behavior towards the planet will change. Wars would have to finish, one way or another, but hopefully in a positive way. Poverty, materialism, lack of compassion and ignorance too. I can see this change in my life, can you see it in the world around?

Assuming this, I think in 150 years, we will have a very different world, and everything ready to start seeing less bodily reality and a more astral realm, without any cut-dry transition. People would die and reincarnate here if they would made a harvesting choice to serve others.

If the gradualist transition is not true, then the world would in late 2012 die, and rebirth completely new in 4D realm, but to me it does not make so much sense, although cleaning may need to occur.
In both cases, it's a Phoenix rising up from the ashes...

Here goes the four scenarios:
Possibility #1) The transition comes in a very gradual transformation after 2012 (no boundary)
Earth is activated 4D in 2011-2012, but there is no cut-dry border between 3D and 4D. This is the scenario I have depicted above.
Entities on Earth are pushed up gradually to upper layers of 3D and to early layers of 4D, along a period of transition, until after about 100-700 years, we are all in full 4D. This is a gradual transition and the boundary some centuries ahead is then very naturally expected (or there is no boundary). In this scenario, we will our evolution accelerating after 2012, with several gradual transformations. Only or mostly STO individual would be incarnating after 2012 (this is after the 2012 choice deadline point). So, we would transit from a mixed orientation to a full STO collective (which I don't know if it makes sense or not).

Possibility #2) The transition comes in a sudden climax in 2012
Alternatively, this transition can go very fast for a few months before 2011-2012, while in late 2012 we are in full 4D.
Earth is activated 4D in 2011-2012, while at the same time 3D deactivated. This would mean that our modern society would end abruptly. There are varying theories on how this "end" is going to happen.
A crescendo towards a climax moment of ascension or full destruction followed by ascension. Either case, we leave to 4D, while 3D stays behind, with a cut boundary.

Possibility #3) After 2012 two Earths co-exist for decades, but 3D eventually dies out and souls transfered
Earth is activated 4D in 2011-2012, however 4D is not inhabited. This is to allow 3D entities to complete their incarnations naturally. Gradually, between now and next decades, we are transferred to 4D. Once all 3D entities have completed their incarnations, the 4D part of the Earth is completely populated. This is a strange scenario, in that we will notice that no more birthing would occur! Or, what could happen, is that STS, STO and mixed individuals could still incarnate on Earth. Maybe, 3D Earth stays for a while inhabited, and then several centuries later 3D Earth is terminated, and only 4D persists (then, our 3D entities could still ascend, if they were sufficiently polarized). Maybe depopulation occurs because entities have choosen to transit to another 3D planet or 4D Earth, by next decade!

Possibility #4) There is no soon transition; this is not real; nothing happens; something else happens.

Accordindly to Quo, it seems it is something like scenario #1 or #3. Particularly when they state the 100-700 transition period, and that after 2012 we will still notice our ability to breathe and function as 3D bodies, as if nothing special has happened. But because entities might have to die to ascend to 4D, maybe it is option #3 that will happen.
In either case, in January 2013, we will not know nothing, or if you would ascend afterwards or not.
The mass interest in 2012 reflects both our fear that 3D will eventually die (our impulse for physical survival) and our wish to transit to a new state of learning and passing this harvest challenge (our spiritual call). My point is to forget a bit about any survival issue, and it would not matter much; and focus in the moment, in taking full advantage of our learning, polarization and creative lessons, of listening to within and act from the heart.

What do you think?

Our civilizafion: Phoenix rising from the ashes

Possibility #3) Earth is activated 4D in 2011-2012, however 4D is not inhabited. This is to allow 3D entities to complete their incarnations naturally. Gradually, between now and next decades, we are transferred to 4D. Once all 3D entities have completed their incarnations, the 4D part of the Earth is completely populated. This is a strange scenario, in that we will notice that no more birthing would occur! Or, what could happen, is that STS, STO and mixed individuals could still incarnate on Earth. Maybe, 3D Earth stays for a while inhabited, and then several years later 3D Earth is terminated, and only 4D persists (then, our 3D entities could still ascend, if they were sufficiently polarized). Maybe depopulation occurs because entities have choosen to transit to another 3D planet or 4D Earth, during this century!

There is a 100-700 transition period.
After 2012 we will still notice our ability to breathe and function as 3D bodies, as if nothing special has happened. We only ascend after our death, after 2012, because Earth 4D is activated then. This is our last 3D life. Time to finish karma, and to decide to act from the heart, serving others.

Since Earth persists for a while, our focus should be in focus in the moment, listening to within and act from the heart.

(this is assuming no crescendo towards a climax in 2012, which I find unlikely)

Watching astrology, when major likely transformation or ascension waves occur:
- In 1990s, as Neptune-Uranus-Saturn conjunct in Capricorn
- In 2011/2012, as planets align in cardinal signs in a powerful T-square
- In the revolutionary times of 2020s (2022-2029) while Saturn-Neptune enters Aries
- In 2032 as Uranus-Saturn enters Cancer
- In 2042 as Uranus, Saturn and Neptune square in early degrees of fixed signs
- In 2065, as Neptune enters Cancer and squares Pluto
- In 2080 as Neptune opposes Uranus and Saturn in late cardinal degrees
- In 2105 as Pluto, Uranus and Eris conjunt in Taurus, Neptune-Saturn-Jupiter T-square
- In 2135 as Neptune, Uranus and Pluto form a T-square in mutable signs
- In 2156 as Uranus, Pluto and Saturn form a T-square in early cardinal signs (Cap/Can)
- In 2165, Uranus-Neptune conjuntion in Aquarius
- In 2186, diverse planetary squares
- In 2269, Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries, Saturn in Cancer, Eris in Libra, form a big cross

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Crop circles

Alternative end dates
2011 october 28 8 zac the Calleman end date!
(2012 june 5, 13 imix, tzolkin) this is the Venus transit, curiously it is 13 imix
(2012 diverse astronomical events in 21 May, 14 Jun)
(2012 dec 21) the traditional end date, but not a 13 ahau Tzolkin
2012 july 14 3 xul this correlates with some predictions by Quo/Ra for summer 2012 *
2013 march 31 3 op

Having seen crop circles for several years, what to me seems funny and remarkable is this:
- they seem creates with beauty and complexicity by some non-physical inteliggence
- they integrate images of Mayan cosmology, Celtic and other spiritual elements
- they integrate pictures of mystic animals such as dragonfly, jelly fish, phoenix
- they point to dates based in astronomical positions, drawing the earth and planets, and angles measuring distances or time periods
- they point to Mayan calendar significance of 2012, possible a key warning
- they may point to solar wind events (?)
- they include pictures of a gray once in a while, and many circles and swirling forms
- they include codes, like mayan numbers, computer codes, dna-like (?) and sometimes messages

Lets see for example this year circles:
- a dragonfly (the recurrent theme of two wings, which are fragmented) with a circle in the middle (our earth?) and eleven circles aligned and increasing in size (the last circle in center and biggest); there is a semi-circle on top of dragonfly head; circles have segmented regions.
- 3 circles around one central circle connected to three fishes, which connected to a string of 3 x seven increasing circles (densities of reality? 21 tarot archetypes? Pisces symbology?) (8 June)
- A phoenix, with again broken flames below, and a circle surrounded by 3 (again) minor circles, with 12 lines (plus one extra, hence 13, which makes a circle in the bird head, again!).
Curiously the mythology of a water jelly fish (29 May), a air dragonfly (3 June), and now a fire phoenix (12 June). Even more funny is the fact that the first occured after a Cancer Moon, the second after a Libra Moon, but the third under an Aquarius Moon.
In following circles each animal always occured after the moon of the same element (sideral zodiac)! Also researchers say this is the near future fate of mankind, from utter destruction to rising from the ashes, and much circles point to 14 June 2012!
Many circles in 2009 reveal animals too.
- one six pointed star, with circles around (one has angle extensions), and a center circle
- a circle with several (4) layers cut at different angles
- one circle with a spiral like design, with four layers (again), a semi-circle (recurrent theme) in middle has a outer layer divided in 33 or 39 small sections (the spiral could be a galaxy or something else, probably the sun due to rotate every 33 days!)
- In 14 June 2009, a circle depicting an Aztec bird appeared! This is with many 4 layers, curiously 14 June 2012 is 4 Caban, and Aztec end of 4th solar age by earthquakes.
- One amazing circle appeared in 21 June 2009, with a sextant, squares containing some information and layers depicting orbits of planets or other bodies, and then a huge line of a strange code!
-Another crazy circle depicting a Mayan calendar like structure, also resembling a bit the Phoenix! Pointing to 2012 June, and to some possible astronomical event by 6 September 2009 or 17 November 2009